Vitamin D 🌞

Vitamin D time in Uk,

Sun is finally out,

But I’m not talking about that sort of vitamin D today,

I’m talking about Vitamin DISCIPLINE,

(As Grant Cardone would say),

It takes discipline for me to work in doors, when my family is out in our nice garden enjoying the sun,

Also takes discipline to work hard when you have a healthy passive stream of income,

It’s easy to say “I’ll do it tomorrow”

Not to mention putting my body through the workout schedule I do,

So why do I do it?

And why should you do it?

To increase your habit of discipline,

Every time you are true to your discipline and you progress,

The little victories that are unseen to others and with no celebration,

Every time you have the discipline to put yourself through something you don’t want to do,

But you know it will mean progression,

You increase your habit of discipline,

And as your habit of discipline increases so will your wealth and health,

I look back at the me in my twenties (loser)

And me now in my 40’s, at the peak of wealth and health,

And I think,

What changed?

It’s still me,

The only difference is I have the discipline now,

I didn’t know discipline or practice it back then,

I took the easy route, every time,

Look at your MBA and KDP income now,

Look at it when you first started,

If you’ve got any amount of discipline in you,

I’ll bet your income has increased,

Now visualise ahead 3 years,

Think where you wanna be,

If its anything less than 10x what you’re making,

Then you need to think bigger,

Think big and think what discipline is required for you to get there,

An additional 30 mins a day?

Working 7 days a week instead of 6?

Putting in some work in the evening before putting on netflix?

Getting in shape?! Yes, being in shape means more energy and confidence to practice more discipline,

(Mind AND body,)


Even another 30 minutes a day,

Every day,

Will be another 182 hours of work over a year,

Thats another 22 × 8 hour working days,

Think what you can do with a solid 8 hours of work every day for 22 days?

Basically a MONTH of work,

Because you were disciplined to add another measly 30 minutes EVERYDAY,

Discipline is the compounder,

It’ll take your small efforts and multiply them,

It’ll take all the work you are doing with no rewards and bring you a big fat reward later on,

Discipline doesn’t lie, it doesn’t trick you,

Discipline isn’t easy one day, ok another and hard another day,

No sir,

You know where you are with being disciplined every time,

Its hard every muvvafkin time,

You can count on discipline to be that bastard friend that’ll make you do shit when you don’t wanna do it,

And you can count on discipline to reward you SHOULD you befriend it every day,

Here’s a quick discipline exercise you can do in the next couple of days,

It’s free and simple and is a beautiful way to increase your discipline,

And anyone can do this,

At the end of your day,

Before you go to bed,

Don’t go to bed,

Create another 10 MBA designs and 3 pages of a KDP book

(Tweak this to suit you, do more or less etc)

Now the discipline bit,

The bit that is hard,

The bit that MOST people will fail at,

(But not you, you’re a badass because you’re subscribed to my newsletter. I only talk to badass’s that put the work in(

You HAVE to do this every day for 7 days,

And you HAVE to tell someone that you will do it,

Tell ‘em some shit like,

‘Hey man, I’m going to do 10 mba designs and 3 pages of a kdp book every day for 7 days, IF i fail I’ll pay you $50’ or some this like that

That’ll force you to be disciplined,

Once you complete your first week,

Do it again for another week,

Then do it for a month,

You don’t need to do LOADS each day,

THAT’s not the hard part,

Just do something and stick to it,

THAT’s the hard part,

That’ll increase the habit of discipline in your life,

And you’ll thank yourself in 3 years,
